Sunday, October 28, 2012

Entry Six: Breaking Free Of The System

The show can be downloaded here.

Consistently we have been indoctrinated from day one to work within the framework of the systems that society had deemed acceptable. If you have a problem, you are directed to the accepted avenues to deal with that problem. Don’t like your political representative, vote them out. Have a problem with not being able to protest? Go to the courts. Yet the problem with this, especially from a political sense, is that there can be no real change in the system, rather only a reshuffling of the same deck of cards. 

Thus, we must learn ways in which we can operate outside the current system and take matters into our own hands.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Entry Five: No Freedom

Today on the show I discuss the fact that neither Obama or Romney will restore civil liberties to American citizens. In the show, I go over how both support the Patriot Act, the NDAA which allows for the indefinite detention of US citizens, using drones domestically, among other disturbing similarities between the candidates.

The show can be downloaded here



Appeals Court Restores NDAA’s Indefinite Detention Provisions

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Entry Four: Alternative Media With Russell Scott

In this episode of the Revolutionary Journal, I interview Russell Scott of the West Coast Truth. We discuss the origins and goals of the West Coast Truth and the state of the alternative media.

The show can be downloaded here.


West Coast Truth